Monday, August 25, 2008

summer fun

Our summer has been fun even though we have moved to Denver, done a deck and are working on the fence. (No Vinyl in Denver?????) What is up with people? Through it all we found a way to have fun---hard to believe it.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Olympic Video

The new house in Denver

Silver Plume Railroad

Jace and Grandpa Wes on the train in Denver. It was pouring rain almost the entire trip. Grandpa Wes and Bryce bought rain jackets and sat out in the open part of the train. Grandma Kareina, Megan, Brooke and Stetson sat under the covered part put we were all still sopping wet by the time the train ride was over. Jace got a weed eater and loved helping Grandpa in the yard.