Monday, May 25, 2009

Well we finally broke down and bought a new couch and love seat. I don't think Wes will last more that 10 minutes on any movie. The couch has 2 recliners and the love seat has two recliners. They are amazingly comfortable. For Memorial weekend we painted the bookshelves AGAIN. I know....we haven't been here for a year and already the second coat of paint--be on the look out for the next color. You never know what it will be

Hiking to the Glacier

We hiked to a glacier where people are still snowboarding and skiing. It was an easy hike but there is still a lot of snow in the mountains of Colorado. We went with our neighbors, Kevin, Jenae and Avery. Because I got hiking boots for my birthday this the perfect time to try them out. No blisters. Wes says I look like the Unibomber in my outfit--I guess I kinda do. If you have ever seen me go for a walk you know I never match--that makes it fun. Now we all have new "hikers" so we will being doing more hiking and yes it was fun.