Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wes and his Dad in Colorado

John (Wes's Dad), Jason (Wes's brother) and April and their kids visited us in Colorado. Hi Nathan, Johanna and Ethan! Thanks for coming to stay with us. We hope you had fun.

Pie in the Face

Brooke I need your help to change the background on our blog. Obviously you can tell that this is not my stong suit. I love your halloween background so cute. But I thought all of you might like to see what I do in my spare time instead of doing our blog. No really this was for United Way. Everybody had to pay $20.00 to throw a pie at me. You guys just throw weiner darts at me for free. Have fun laughing------

Cutest Family Tree EVER!

Thanks to DeAnn this old door has become our family tree. Wes and I got this old door in Idaho Springs for our anniversary and DeAnn cut the vinyl for us. It is at the top of stairs and looks great. It is waiting for another baby name under Natalie and Jeremy. We already know it will be a few years before any names will be added to Bronson and Marie.


Brooke---You won! It took me a long time to get these pictures posted. It seems like days go so fast. I know the guys had a fabulous time and the pictures prove it. What's even better is that it is over for a WHOLE year.(Kind of) No I am just kidding guys. I know you all look forward to bonding over the fire and animals. Bryce shoot the deer so he gets the meat. That did not stop Wes from bringing home more deer meat from SLC. So goodbye steak---hello deer!